Takaosan Yakuoin

  • TemplesAndShrines
  • 60 min. from JR Tachikawa Station by train or cable car
  • Takaosan Yakuoinの画像
  • Takaosan Yakuoinの画像
  • Takaosan Yakuoinの画像
  • Takaosan Yakuoinの画像
  • Takaosan Yakuoinの画像
  • Takaosan Yakuoinの画像

Takaosan Yakuoin is the head temple of the Chizan school of the Shingon sect, located on Mt. Takao in Hachioji City, Tokyo, and its official name is “Takaosan Yakuoin Yuki-ji Temple. Takaosan Yakuoin is said to have been founded in 744 by Gyoki, a high priest of the Nara period.

The name “Yakuoin” comes from the fact that Yakushi Nyorai was the main deity of the temple, but today, in addition to Yakushi Nyorai, Iinawa Daigongen is enshrined as the main deity. Iinawa Daigongen was considered the guardian deity of warlords, and was revered by Kenshin Uesugi and Shingen Takeda during the Warring States period, and by the Tokugawa family of Kishu during the Edo period.

  • Address: 2177 Takao-cho, Hachioji-shi, Tokyo
  • TEL: 042-661-1115 (Hours: 9:00-16:00)
  • FAX: 042-664-1199
  • URL: https://www.takaosan.or.jp/