Daihigan-ji Temple

  • TemplesAndShrines
  • 60 min. on foot and by train from JR Tachikawa Station
  • Daihigan-ji Templeの画像
  • Daihigan-ji Templeの画像
  • Daihigan-ji Templeの画像
  • Daihigan-ji Templeの画像
  • Daihigan-ji Templeの画像
  • Daihigan-ji Templeの画像

Historical old temple of Shingon sect with white bush clovers in full bloom

Daihigan-ji Temple is located a 15-minute walk along the JR Itsukaichi Line from Musashi-masuko Station.

The temple was founded in the early Kamakura period and is a Shingon sect temple.

Founded in 1911, it is an old temple famous for its white bush clovers. Every year from September to October, the white bush clovers on the temple grounds sway in the wind.

This white bush clover is also the flower associated with Date Masamune.

In the Edo period Date Masamune was fishing for sweetfish in the Akigawa River and stopped by Daihigan-ji Temple on his way home.

He was so impressed with the beauty of the flowers that he later wrote a letter to the temple asking for a share of the flowers. The “Shirahagi document” is still in the possession of Daihigan-ji Temple.

  • Address: 134 Yokosawa, Akiruno city, Tokyo
  • Tel: 042-596-0141
  • Parking: Available