Nippara-syonyudo Limestone Cave

  • NatureAndAgriculture
  • 120 min. by train and bus from JR Tachikawa Station
  • Nippara-syonyudo Limestone Caveの画像

A limestone cave where you can feel deep time

Mysterious caves in Ogawa-dani Valley, a tributary of Nippara-gawa River. These limestone caves were formed over tens of thousands of years as groundwater scoured away the limestone.

The largest of its kind in the Kanto region, the Nippara-syonyudo limestone caves offer fantastic views of the majestic Byakui-Kannon (Goddess of Mercy) and the Toad Gama-iwa Rock, which resembles a giant frog.

The new cave area, with its magnificent stalagmites and stone pillars, feels like another world.

The temperature in the cave stays at 11 degrees Celsius throughout the year. It is cool in summer and warm in winter.

Please come and experience the art of nature created by deep time.